Home Exercise To Build Strength And Mobility
Staying indoors [at home], ignoring social gatherings wouldn’t only affect your mental health, it could further affect your physical activity.

So, in order to build or rather maintain the all-round strength of the body, some basic exercises should often be observed while staying indoors. Such practices or exercises would not only rapidly enhance your immune system but would also keep your mind busy.
Below are the 3 basic strengthening exercises you can involve yourself in while staying at home:
•Bicep strengthening•Push-ups•Cervical strengthening•Overhead strengthening, with dumbbell:
Bicep Strengthening:
•Sit in a chair•Hold a weight in your hand, bend your elbow to raise your hand towards your face•Be calm and bring the elbow to the starting position
•Lie on your front with your hands just wider then your shoulders and toes on the floor•Tighten your buttock and abdominal muscles as you push yourself up with the help of your arms, without relenting to keep your body straight•Your shoulders and your heels must be in a straight line•Put your hands on the floor so that you fix your shoulder blades fully against your rib cageKeeping your back straight and control at the shoulder blades, bend your elbows, dropping down into a press-up•Further Straighten your elbows by pushing back on your hands
Overhead Strengthening, With Dumbbell:
•Hold a weight in your hands•Place your arm above your head and keep it straight•Put back your arm to the starting position and repeat
You can enjoy staying fit, building strength and mobility by practising the aforementioned exercises daily at home. When it’s about building or/and maintaining strength and Mobility, staying indoors is never an excuse.