How To Decode When Your Body Needs Physiotherapy
Aches and Pains are the most common, be it a stiffness in joints caused by an injury, twinge after exercising or any particular health situation. While most are temporary or transitional and could be remedied with over the counter painkillers, few kind of pain or limited movement may need assessment and treatment by a physiotherapist.
A physiotherapy rehabilitation program can enable individuals to come back to their prior level of functioning and recommend lifestyle changes that can enhance overall wellbeing and health.
The following lists by Capitahealth are the five (5) key signs or conditions that require physiotherapy:
Chronic Pain — When you feel pain that lingers for more than several days and is interfering with your ability to do work or/and perform other regular activities, you should seek for a professional. A physiotherapist will find the underlying issue and aid to relieve your pain, such as with physiotherapy treatment for neck pain.
Physiotherapists can work with you to assess the issue and offer a special exercise and rehabilitation program that will reduce your suffering and get you back to your best.
Lack Of Balance — If you face difficulty in keeping your coordination and balance is off, a physiotherapist can discover the threatening issue and provide a remedy to it. Most times, a loss of balance is caused by issues in the structures of the inner ear—referred to as the vestibular system. A physiotherapist can treat your inner ear issues with vestibular rehabilitation. With physiotherapy, you can restore your coordination and balance and bounce back to living your life without fear or impedance.
Uncontrolled Urination — When you experience sudden, intense urges to urinate or you urinate when you laugh, sneeze, or even cough, you may have urge incontinence, stress incontinence, or a combination of both.
Incontinence is fairly common, especially as you get older. Physiotherapy exercises for incontinence involves pelvic floor exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and minimize incontinence.
Delay In Recovery — Just as injuries heal, the pain do eventually disappear. However, few times, the pain stays and becomes chronic. When you have an injury that has not totally healed, a physiotherapist can determine the problem and create a special exercise and rehabilitation program to ease your pain and avoid the injury from resurfacing.
Pain treatments comprise massage, pain education, manipulation, and exercises that will support the damaged body part.
Reduced Mobility — Mobility issues include minimized flexibility, stiffness or/and feelings of pain that makes it hard to perform locomotive actions like touching your toes, bending over, or even extending your arms to reach upward. If you feel limited in your mobility and can’t move as easily as you used to, physiotherapy exercises can identify and target the muscles and tissues in the affected regions, relax the muscles and strengthen supporting tissues to help increase your mobility and flexibility.
Whenever you experience any of the five (5) signs mentioned in this resource, Capitahealth strongly recommends that you seek the service of a Professional Physiotherapist.